Book of Daniel


Chapter 1  Four men stand out against pressures to conform.

In 606 BC. Nebuchadnezzar conquered Jerusalem and  carried off the cream of the captives to Babylon. His purpose was to train up the gifted young men, in particular, to work for him in the government of his empire. As in Animal Farm ,( written by G.Orwell ), this is the purpose of the devil's education process ; train up the young in an anti-God environment and use them later.

Vs.1-2. The Jewish nation was justly punished by God for departing from His Word in their religion. The young men were caught up in the consequences of its punishment, just as Christians suffer (many of ) the consequences of living in an apostate nation today.

Vs.3-7. The Babylonian government, as governments do today, aimed to indoctrinate the young with education and media produced by atheist or false religionist philosophies and teaching.They were surrounded by, and brought up in, an anti-God environment. But by God's grace four men stood out, not only for their gifts but for their faithfulness to God. Very rarely do these virtues come together in this world ! They were distinct by their lifestyle ; they pretended no superiority, they simply kept their conscience clear and governed by the Bible.

Vs.8-16. Daniel would go far with the government, but no further. The Chritian must draw a line in the sand and go no further, like the waves under God's control. Daniel would keep to the Ceremonial Laws of Moses while they lasted ( until the death of Christ fulfilled and so removed them). It is dangerous to habitually follow the world's way of thinking, adopting its attitudes to people and things. God must be kept in mind when we have decisions to make.

Vs.17-21. It seldom happens, but because of their faithfulness to God they were promoted ; not that their motive was to please men, but to please God. ( Heb.11:6). They resisted the world's attempts to pressurise them and bribe them ( Rom.12:1,2.). Conformity to the world takes away the distinctiveness and credibility of our witness eg. Lot. It also hinders spiritual growth despite worldly prosperity. Like Moses before them, these four men made the choice to follow and serve Christ ( 2 Corinth.3:18). and soon it would be severely tested.

Chapter 2  Christ's everlasting kingdom.

There are basically only 2 kingdoms in this world, Christ's and the devil's.There is the city of Cain ( Gen.4:16,17 ), organised against God, and there is the city of God ( Ps. 46:4,5), where Christ is acknowledged as ' God over all.'

Vs.1-6. A disturbing dream. In this case it was a revelation. Modern dreams are not revelations of the mind of God ; such kinds of revelation ended when the Scriptures were completed. The Bible is the ' only rule of faith and practice.' There are many pretended additional 'revelations ' from God today - these people are false !

Vs.7-12. The wise men cannot understand the dream. This at least was honest of them ' some make up dreams and their meanings. These ' wise men ' acknowledged a Power greater than they had. Only the Author of the dream could interpret it, and the Holy spirit gave that interpretation to Daniel, and to no-one else.

Vs. 13-19. Daniel intervenes (a good example of  Prov.15:1), and preserves lives. Christians should speak words of hope to others, for they have none in themselves 

( Ephes.2:12).

Vs.20-23. Daniel gives thanksgiving for the understanding. If we are not thankful for what God gives us already, what right do we have to expect more from Him ? Gratitude is a daily duty ( Ps.103:2). Like Daniel we must also pray for understanding of what God has already revealed.

Vs.24-45.  What the dream means.The Word of God interprets reality, what we cannot see in the invisible realm or what is not yet seen because it lies in the future.

The focus of the dream is Christ's kingdom ; not a kingdom of human origin, it has a humble, insignificant to the world, beginning and makes irresistible progress into every nation, it shall ultimately triumph with eternal duration. All other kingdoms will disappear when time ends. It will destroy all opposition. The entrance to this kingdom is by the new birth ( John 3 ), adopted into God's family, the church. The last human empire mentioned, the 4th, was the Roman Empire ; when the emperor left this empire was gradually taken over by the Papacy.

Vs.46-49. Nebuchadnezzar rewards Daniel for his words, and even talks about the true God ! However, he is only impressed, not converted ; this is still happening today.

Like Nebuchadnezzar ( 47), many can say, " Your God ", but not " my God ", like Daniel.

Chapter 3  No Compromise with men, but Confidence in God.

Living in a pagan society which is also  anti-Christian is a dangerous place to be, especially when the government is prepared to use violence to silence opposition.

Many believers were burned at the stake in the 16th century, many are still killed today.

Vs.1-7. Idolatry is enforced by the law. When man's laws overturn God's laws ( including the 2nd Commandment in this case ), then we know that Satan is exerting his power.

Some in the church will take a stand for truth, many will not ; only 3 here. These were men who could be trusted with the faith, to keep it and not compromise.

Vs.8-12. Informers, ' accusers of the brethren ' abound. The three witnesses did a good thing, but this antagonises the world.Many seek rewards from the world, but they are not approved by God when they conform to the world's ways. They want to build a reputation on earth by serving the world's interests, but they have no reputation in Heaven !

Vs.13-18. Threats given and defiance is the name of God is the response.. The believers were afraid, but more afraid of being unfaithful to God. " They had decided that the glory of God was more precious  to them than their death...They show what ought to lift our minds above all temptations, that our life is precious to God and He is able to save us. " ( John Calvin ) There are some things faith in Christ cannot accept.

Vs.19-30. Their faithfulness to Christ is seen and heard. Nebuchadnezzar was afraid when He saw how God intervened. The three were prepared to be ' faithful unto death ' ( Rev.2:10) and said nothing against it when the time came, but they came through this alive. an angel was seen with them, but probably the Angel of the Covenant ( Isaiah 43:2) The king was again overawed at God's power, but still had no saving faith. Many at the time of Christ saw miracles, but no faith followed. It can cost much to worship the true God, but more if we do not.

Chapter 4  " Insomnia, Insanity and Insight." ( C.Swindoll)

The proud old monarch needed to be humbled and emptied of himself if he was to be converted to the true faith and the true God. He still had not repented ( Is.55:7), and thought that he was above being rebuked.

Vs.1-18. Nebuchadnezzar's dream. God sees that he needs to be humbled ( Prov. 16:18.29:33), but the man was not yet convinced that the dream was about himself. He sends for Daniel, but is still talking about ' gods ' ( 9 )

Vs.19-33. The interpretation and fulfilment of his dream. All of what God says will happen, and does happen ! Daniel urges him to repent, but he was still acting like a beast in his lifestyle, and suddenly he is brought down to the lowest level by God.How many are living like an animal today, governed by biological appetites alone ?

V.34-37. Nebuchadnezzar's mind is restored ; was it a confession of faith ? God was acknowledged as being Ruler over all (17), but this He does simply as Creator. Was he converted ? Only eternity will tell. 

Chapter 5  The Writing on the Wall.

Many say they believe in God nowadays but do not believe in Divine retribution. And yet the Person who spoke most about hell in the Bible was Jesus. God is no unjust Judge. The new king was warned, as we all are, about his lack of a proper relationship to God.

Vs.1-12. God does not speak, He writes. This was a powerful revelation from God to Beshezzar (and there was more than him present), regarding treating holy things with contempt. Although he was given this spectacular warning from God neither he nor anyone else there repented. He heard the Word of God but did not obey it. Coming judgement was declared, but although he was afraid, he did not seek forgiveness, only escape. How common this is.

Vs.13-30. The meaning, the warning, and the fulfilment of God's words. Daniel did not give any hope to those present if they continued as they are. He gave the true meaning of God's words, and did not explain them away. Too many ' interpreters ' soften what God has loudly declared in the Bible. The Lord Jesus spoke often about judgement, and Paul followed His example in declaring ' the whole counsel of God '( Acts 20:27). Daniel was an old man but still a faithful witness. Belshazzar respected him, but did not follow his faith in Christ. God is not mocked, He will judge rightly. Unlike Daniel, Belshazzar was not prepared to meet God, he died without hope ( Luke 13:3).

Chapter 6  Envy and Ambition foiled.

Vs.1-9. Shakespeare reminds us that it was by the sin of ambition that the angels fell. Daniel's favoured position in the government stirred up the envy and plotting of his enemies. They could not find anything to use against him as he was so consistently honest ( something impossible for modern politicians ). Therefore they attacked him on the basis of his religion (5). They had Darius the ruler change the laws in order to persecute those who remained faithful to God ; a thoroughly modern practice.

Vs.10-19. Accusation and condemnation, but not by God ( Ps.109:31). The laws changed, but not Daniel's faithfulness, and not God's either ! Daniel was arrested. Darius's conscience troubled him, but not enough to repeal an unjust law. And would Daniel's God protect him ?

Vs.20-29. Deliverance and decree. It was God's Will that Daniel be spared from death for a further few years, and He delivered him.All depends on His Will, not the government's. The false accusers were dealt with in justice, a foretaste of the Day of Judgement ; the sentence then of a greater King will go forth.

Chapter 7  Visions, Rebellion and Triumph.

Vs.1-8  The enemies of Christ the King are described as fierce ' beasts ' of prey. Horns are symbols of power, but these enemy kingdoms shall have their power broken (12).

Vs.9-14  Here we see the Ascension of Christ to His Throne ( Mark 16:19. Luke 24:51). The way to the Throne for the Mediator was by the cross ( Philipp.2:11). Now He ascends to His Father, " Sit Thou at My right Hand." ( Ps.110:1). All power is given to Him ( Mt. 28:18), and although His rule is not accepted ( Psalm 2 ), nevertheless He does rule over all nations ! His kingdom shall be everlasting (14) and the saints ( dedicated to Him in service ) shall be in it ( vs.18,22).

Vs.15-28  There shall be continuous conflict between the kingdoms of this world and the kingdom of God right to the end of the world. But in the end only one kingdom shall remain, God's !

Chapter 8 The Ram and the Goat.

Vs.1-14  The vision : This chapter is mainly about the rise and demise of Alexander the Great. He was the goat from Greece and smashed into the Persian empire, breaking it in pieces. He was active at the close of the 4th century BC.

Vs.15-26 The Interpretation : The Providence of God raises men up, like Alexander, and then puts them down once they have served their purpose as part of God's eternal purpose.God can use heathen kings and leaders, and overrule their selfish and this-worldly intentions.

Vs. 27 Daniel becomes unwell. Such was the intensity of the Divine communication which Daniel received that the human constitution collapsed under it.Communion with God can have an exhausting effect on mind and body ( cf. ch.10:8).

Chapter 9  Worship, Prayer and Humiliation for sin.

Vs.1-19 The prayer of Daniel is for himself and his people ( he uses the words ' we' and ' us' frequently) ; there is confession of sin and guilt, with petitions.He knows from the Scriptures (Jerem.25:12) that the 70 years exile in Babylon are soon to be accomplished. The  motivation for his prayer is God's revealed mercy (16-19) to those who repent.

Vs.20-23 An angel comes to Daniel to give him understanding.

Vs.24-27. The work of the Messiah is described ; to bring in everlasting righteousness from God, to fulfil the OT prophecies ( including sacrifice) and to pour the Holy Spirit out abundantly through the Messiah, the Anointed One. Christ would do all that is required to save His people from their sins. His work shall not fail to accomplish God's desire and intention.

Chapter 10   The Visions of Daniel.

Vs.1-9. Daniel has a vision of a glorious Man, similar to the One in Ezek 9:2.10:2 and Rev.1:13-15. Daniel's reaction is similar to John's in Revelation 1.

Vs.10-21. These are prophecies concerning Greece and Persia, how the Eastern Empire was broken up between rival kings after the death of Alexander.

Chapter 11  The near future.

The prophecies of Ch.11 concern the career of king Antiochus of Syria in the 2nd century ; a great persecutor, against whom the Maccabee family led a successful revolt by the Jews, who were in turn conquered by the Romans soon afterwards.All these things would happen before Christ came into this world at Bethlehem.

Chapter 12  The time of the End.

Vs.1-3. The resurrection is promised, the time of the raising of all the bodies from the dead ( Is.26:19. John 5:28,29) when Christ returns. This will be the end of this world and its history.

Vs.4-9 The Book sealed : No further revelation would be given through Daniel, he would die soon after the close of this Book of Daniel. There were some things revealed which even Daniel did not understand ( 8 ) - this is a comfort to us lesser students.

Vs.10-13. Waiting for the end with hope ( Matt.24:13,46) : Daniel, with all of God's people wait in order to enter into the Rest which Christ has prepared for them. Christ is our Hope ( 1 Tim.1:1) and everything comes with His promise, " I will come again."

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